Little Tesla, who isn't even 8 weeks old yet, knows how to sit and is fully potty trained. I had to leave her at home in our downstairs bathroom today for almost four hours due to my dental appointment and she STILL hasn't made a mess. I left her food, water, toys, bed, and paper in there and when I got home, she just sat in the middle of the room and looked at me, betrayed. The first thing she does when we go outside is go to the bathroom, and then attack the grass, as though peeing on it just isn't enough. I have no idea how that happened. I definitely can't take credit for any of it.
This morning I drove (for the second time, EVER, in England) to get to my dental appointment, which turned out to be a huge relief as it was only scary in a funny way, as opposed to being scary in just a scary way. My new dentist has a voice that sounds EXACTLY like the serial murderer Moriarty in the Sherlock series. I had no idea that a person could sound like that in real life without automatically getting arrested. It's pretty creepy, but he really seems like he knows what he is doing. The first available appointments to fix my loose fillings are in two weeks, but he said if I want, I can come in on Wednesday for sick call and they can start then. I am going to try and wait the two weeks for the real appointments with the dentist/ serial murderer I trust. After what happened in Biloxi, I never want to try and rush dental work again. Yeesh.
After the dentist, I went over to the BX to find Tesla something to chew on, other than my couch and my face. Not realizing what time it was, I got there an hour before it even opened, so I sat down with some coffee in the food court and made friends with a Turkish man who sells antiques. He gave me a custard donut and told me where all the good antique stores are in the area.
Kyle is probably learning up a storm right now. I gave him Rena and Wheeler's numbers, so they should be hearing from him soon. I think he is wanting to go to church with them. :) I love you all and hope you are having a blessed day!
Yay to friendly, knowledgeable, generous Turkish men...hope the custard donut was tasty and the antiques abundant and well priced.